Mischa Barton

What is Mischa Barton?


Fairly attractive actress best known for her role on the OC. The only other place I've seen her was in The Sixth Sense. She's the dead girl that got killed by her mother. Word is she has an eating disorder, and ironically, her first appearance in The Sixth Sense shows her scaring the crap out of Cole Sear due to the green stuff pouring from her mouth.

I was watching The Sixth Sense and my buddy was like, "Dude, that's Mischa Barton! Wait, is it? Yeah!" Then I said, "Yeah, she's on The O.C.! Sweet!"

See marissa cooper


one of the hottest chicks i've ever seen on television!

she's sooo cute

known from o.c. california as marissa

basic instinct


i'd love mischa to suck my d1.ck


The only reason I sometimes watch the O.C.

Mischa Barton is smoking hot.

See oc, hot, blonde, sexy, beautiful


The only girl I'd leave my fiance for.

Me - Oh look Mischa Barton's over there and she wants me!111

Girlfriend - Okay you win.

See mischa, hot, o.c, sex


quite possibly the hottest Britto walk the earth.

wow, that mischa barton bird from the OC is so hot, i want to fuck her in all her holes!

See mischa barton, mischa, fuck, hot, sexy


Hot actress from O.C, property of Jordan Borenstein

A guy got arrested for trying to touch Mischa Barton.



(extended because UD needs to have at least 3 words: Mischa Barton is pale, skinny and lacks any real sex appeal to any form of life with a spinal column. Probably attractive to moluscs though.)

"Argh, I just saw Mischa Barton on The OC." "Quick, to the bathroom, we have eye-soap."

See ugly, the oc


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