
What is Missouri?


The Show-Me State. The northern half of the state tends to be flat and fits in culturally with the Midwest. Northern Missourians say "Miz-zur-ree". The southern half of the state is defined by the Ozark Mountains and tends to identify with the South, rather than the Midwest. Southern Missourians say "Mizz-zur-rah" keeping in tradition with the original French pronunciation of the Indian word that was used as the basis for the state's name. Southern Missourians in the Ozarks tend to speak iwith an accent similiar to Tennessee.

Home to President Harry S. Truman, Walt Disney, and famed Generals John "Black Jack" Pershing and Omar Bradley.

Abe: "I can run faster than that black bear coming towards us."

Paul: "Oh yeah? I'm from Missouri - show me."

See Anonymous


topographically, the state is half in the midwest and half in the great plains; the most southern part of the state is in the ozarks and is home of are those shows in Branson; the western part of the state has KC and a lot of flat land and farmers, while the eastern part has St. Louis, good blues music, and rolling hills

Missouri looks like Illinois on 1 side and like Nebraska on the other.


The Show-Me State. A state that doesn’t know if it’s Southern or Midwestern. Its 6 million residents are divided in geography, accent and culture. Northern Missouri is flat and similar to the rest of the Midwest while southern Missouri is hilly and in the Ozark region. Ironically, America’s new unofficial country music capital is Branson, near the Arkansas border. People from northern Missouri are considered more Midwestern while Southern Missouri is more Southern. Missouri is the place where North America’s two great rivers meet: The Mississippi and Missouri, near Saint Louis. Kansas City is the largest city but St. Louis is the largest metro area. Ironically both metro areas cross state boundaries. Kansas City is known as a great center of jazz music and barbeque while St. Louis is a major center for the production of beer (Anheiser Bush) and has the Gateway Arch. What’s ironic is that beer and barbeque go together like sex and nicotine. However, both cities are extremely crime-ridden by many comparisons. Some natives include Jessie James, Harry Truman, Walt Disney and Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain).

Missouri is a nice, quaint state but has somewhat of an identity crisis.

See midwest, rivers, ozarks, krock1dk


A state typically mistaken to be full of rednecks and incest. Actually, since I live there, I know that is wrong. Missouri is not full of idiots who marry their cousins. So all of the idiots that have posted negative things, need to rethink that and quit believing stereotypes. :)

I went to visit Missouri and found that it is a very pleasant place to live. The stereotypical idea of the state is completely wrong.

See redneck, incest, stereotype, pleasant, state


Okay. I've lived in Missouri my whole life. This state is very very beautiful there are no oceans YOU'RE RIGHT. But if you drive down one of the several gravel roads and view all the scenery that is BEAUTIFUL you might be able to see one of the THOUSANDS of fresh water rivers! There are no inbred people here! Yes, there are trailors as there are trailors in EVERYSTATE! Rednecks yes we have a few, get over it they're everywhere. Our people are wonderful and they know how to live life wonderfully and enjoy it without having their noses stuck up! In states like California, and Florida people snub you. In Missouri we wave and smile everywhere :). We may be down home or live in small towns, but we are all friends and we have a great time! And all our children go to nice schools and are very educated. Missouri is not Misery! So please before you bash on some nice Midwestern people! You might just drive through and see what it's all about. Because ignorance can be so overwhelming! :P

We are proud to be from Missouri! It's the most beautiful state full of wonderful people! Come see us!

See beautiful, hilly, lovely


flat state with lots of tornadoes and good sports teams

The Chiefs play in Missouri


We sure do love Missouri. Thing is though, we've never left. Everything youd ever need is right here in our big ole' state. On family vacations, we go to branson. When we need a drug fix, we just go next door and get our daily dose of methamphetamine from buck. he sure knows how to cook it. we have 13 kids and one on the way. aged from 3 months to 30 years old, all with different last names...here we go: lou ann, Jed Jr., Jed III, ray, bobbi ray, billy jean, billy jo, trixie, the twins: tammy ray & tammy fay, linda kay, peggy sue, and earlene. we sure do love our childs, and we have 86 grandchilds. our doublewide is chocked full of people. we also have 19 dogs, 36 cats, and two fish. we also have a new goat. if you ever want to see somewhere beautiful, you should see the sun set over our pot field. its wonderfully romantic (thats where 11 of our children were conceived). need a vacation? y'all come see us now, y'hear?

We all wear matching shirts when we go to branson, missouri & we always have to take roll when we go to and from walmart and mcdonalds.

Jedidiah: lou ann, Jed Jr., Jed III, ray, bobbi ray, billy jean, billy jo, trixie, tammy ray & tammy fay, linda kay, peggy sue, and earlene?

Lou ann: here.

jed jr: sure thang.

Jed 3: huh?

ray: my nose is bleedin.

bobbi ray: daddy whatchu doin?

billy jean: you best shutup boy.

billy jo: im gonna hit you in the head if you dont quit it.

trixie: wheres my cigs daddy?

tammy ray: here.

tammy fay: present.

linda kay: who ate a quarter pound of my angus?

peggy sue: daddy, MY BABYS COMIN!

earlene: holy crap! that doesnt look like the movies,

peggy sue. that looks like an alien!

See babies, meth, methamphetamine, missouri, redneck, double wide, marijuana, walmart, mcdonalds


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