
What is Mixer?


A party where a fraternity and a sororty get together to drink and socialize. Often held at the fraternity or at their annex.

I went to our mixer with X last night, and it rocked.


An electronic console normally used for switching between and/or combining audio from two turntables. Controls typically at least consist of: one cross fader for switching between and combining tracks, two up faders which control the volume levels of the seperate audio feeds, multiple equilizers on seperate channels for limiting the amount of bass, mid-range, and treble in the output, and a master volume control for limiting the mixer output. Mixers have been in use for decades and have become an essential part of DJing.

Yo, that the new Vestax scratch mixer?


a form of liquid meant to be mixed with alchohol like whikey or some other liquors

"where is the mixer for my J.D?"

See coke, sprite, ribena, water, ice


A dance, these are probably only held in loser towns like mine, but they DO exist, I assure you.

Guy: So...are you going to the mixer tonight?

Girl: I dunno...are you?

Guy: Well...I dunno...I asked you first!

Girl: Fuck the mixer, let's just have sex

Guy: Hellyes!


A mixer is a casual party where people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity, which means a lot of girls

"We might have a mixer next weekend as well, but if we don't, we will definitely have a mixer the weekend after that"

See mixer, party, cj, girls


An electronic device used to play two sources of sound such as turntables or cd players together. A basic mixer has volume sliders for adjusting the volume level of each incoming source and a crossfaderfor controling the mix of the two sound sources.

"Man my mixer is shot. I need a new one."


A white person who, for unknown reasons, seems to think they're black. They also have an odd side-effect of thinking they're totally cool an that they have bulging muscles. No joke, about 99.99% of the people who I've seen like that get ARRESTED in freakin' middle-school.

Guy: "Why the hell did that kid try and beat you up?"

Friend: "He's a Mixer"

Guy: "Ah, that explains it"

See confused, black, white, mixer, tough


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