What is Mizu?
Rather than simply "water" in Japanese, this word is practicly a title given to a person who cannot create something of it's own. THis person will have to live of other's ideas (or colors, Mizu) in order to exist. This is usually a result of a low self esteem (for explanation, /msg Niv XD), and will usually resort in lurking, heavy-leeching, stubborn refuse to reveal details on self, etc... However, this phenomena usually halts when reaching the age of 21, or after a 1 year period of army service.
Copycat, lurker, leecher, Little-Underaged-Lurking-Chinese-Girl.
The Japanese term for "water".
Also tagged to the end of Miaiko.
Miaiko no Mizu
Japanese word for Water.
Also: Strange female being, dwelling in the southern United States. Wears painfully bright clothing, eats junk incessently, obsesses over certain Japanese horror movie characters (see
"Hey Mizu! Get off the roof and put your pants back on!"