
What is Mlm?


see also Multi-Level Marketing. A scheme in which a person (as a "seller") buys a certain amount of product from a "distributor", and then sells for a profit. The seller must then kick back some of his profit to his distributor. In turn all the other sellers this person has recruited and distributes product to must kick back some of their profits to him.

Amwayis the prototypical MLM. Usually only the founders of a MLM profit from the scheme. Some MLM's are blatant pyramid schemes, although one can argue all MLM's are fraudulent. Look for MLM ads in bus shelters and on telephone poles at intersections.

I just blew my inheritance from Grandma on this Flowbee MLM!


The computer abbreviation for giving someone "the bird." Most commonly used in Instant Messaging services.

IMer #1: Dude, you're an ass.

IMer#2: mlm


Abbreviation for Multi-Level Marketing, a business model in which marketers are paid commissions on the sales of other marketers that they recruit, as well as on their own sales. To qualify as MLM, the business plan must actually focus upon selling a marketable product or service.

Business and marketing n00bs frequently confuse MLM with pyramid schemes, a business model that focuses on paying bonuses for recruiting people, rather than commissions on sales, because the criminals who start pyramid schemes like to scam n00bs and flatter themselves by calling their schemes MLM. They may even pretend to operate an MLM business by forcing marketers to stockpile unmarketable products to pretend they are selling it.

Anyone who calls a pyramid scheme MLM helps the scammers trick their victims.

See mlm, pyramid scheme, scam, business, marketing


it's a FU sign... offensive & nice.

there is an insult for every occation.. here is one: mlm n00b. RTFM!!

See jamee


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