
What is Mlms?


Short for Miami Lakes Middle School.There are more sluts in this school than in a rap video.Don't even get me started on the dumbfuck guys.They have either not gone through puberty or think they rule the world by making up a little imaginary gang.The teachers are even worse.We have a bunch of idiots that could give two flying shits about the students and only care about the money.Which they don't use to improve the school btw.WE HAD ASBESTOS WHAT TYPE OF FUCKING SCHOOL HAS ASBESTOS?!?!?! I hope someone is looking this definition up in the library....go ahead and show it to a teacher.

Miami Lakes middle school is hazardous to society's health


Being bored one day, i happened to see a definition for some middle school. Clicking it, i figured it'd be a defintion by some kid complaining about how much their school sucks and they hate life and would be good for a chuckle(although ms does suck). Instead, i happened upon a little internet flame war between a bunch of 7th-8th graders arguing through a site intended for defining words about some girl who got with some guy or any number of pointless things that comprise gossip. Although it has been fairly entertaining, a little bit of advice: why dont you settle your problems in *reality*, rather than online, where seemingly minor rumors get blown out of proportion and became a constant problem. Posting random insults/threats/shoutouts/complaints online doest do you jack and just drags on a problem you would have forgotten about in a week.

This is like every high school in America.


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