Mmo Whore

What is Mmo Whore?


One who changes MMOs (Massive Multilayer Online) very frequently and can not stay with one for more then 2-3 weeks

"Did you hear about Murdok? He just bought World of Warcraft last week but this week he bought Lord of the Rings online. I think he said he was going to play Runescape next month. He is such an MMO whore for switching so much."

See mmo whore, mmo, whore, game whore, slut, Litch


One who changes MMOs (Massive Multilayer Online) as often as he changes his or her socks.

"Did you hear about Murdok? He just bought World of Warcraft last week but this week he bought Lord of the Rings online. I think he said he was going to play Runescape next month. He is such an MMO whore for switching so much."

See mmo whore, mmo, whore, game whore, slut, Litch


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