
What is M.o.?


short for "modus operandi"...a person's way of doing things or their style.

"If y'all'd leave me alone this wouldn't be my M.O." -Eminem

Every day I gotta pimp da ho, yo, cuz that's my M.O.

See Nick D



Short for Method of operation. Latin form "Modus expeditione." Meaning what one certain person is most noted for. A certain look, way of doing things or even attitude.

There is no latin word operandi

Stan: "who do i know that likes drinking and hates zombies?"

Nate: "Man, drinking and hating zombies?! Add pirates and thats my M.O."


Abbreviation for Modus Operandi which means a method of operating or functioning or a person's manner of working.

The M.O. of the serial killer was leaving a red rose on the body of his victims.

See modus operandi, money order, missouri


Abbreviation in both speech and text for "<i>modus operandi</i>" (Latin) or "mode of operation" (English). The term is used to mean either the way in which one does something, or his or her focus or goal/ambition in a certain aspect of life.

"Main Entry:

mo·dus ope·ran·di


ˌmō-dəs-ˌä-pə-ˈran-dē, -ˌdī



Inflected Form(s):

plural mo·di operandi ˈmō-ˌdē-, ˈmō-ˌdī-


New Latin



: a method of procedure ; especially : a distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime"

Straight from Merriam-Webster, folks.

The idiot that said, "<i>operandi</i> is not a Latin word" is incorrect and needs more thumbs down. That entry should be removed.

My M.O. is to make the author of definition #2 look like a fool. That is what I am "all about."

I educate people and correct mistakes in "wiki" slang dictionaries by editing and making my own entries that state corrections of previous ones, when aforementioned entries are stupid. That is my M.O.

My M.O. is humiliating people who think they know more than they do even though both they and I are anonymous.

See modus operandi, wiki, editing, mo, mo'


The abbreviation for the words multiple orgasm. Said when something is so indescribably-delicious, it gives you a feeling like no other.

After sampling a taste of Robert's decadent dessert, "Chocolate Heaven", I was so overcome, that I closed my eyes, smiled, and thought M.O. - mmmmmm.....

See delectable, scrumptious, ambrosial, unpleasant, horrible, amazing, exquisite, awesome


means your special as in your crazy, wild, retarded.you dont have a care in the world and you act that way. all negative

yo, that dude is m.o. you didnt see how he ran up on that kid and just slapped him

See m.o., crazy, wild, retarded, out of control


Your fucking code and creed. How you do it.

That kid STAYS banging fat chicks. That's his M.O.

See style, personality, trait, attribute


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