What is Mo' Urban?
Mo' Urban dictionary is the hard (book) version of this site you're at. It's got loads of cool slang definitions, but too bad u can't add stuff to it all the time like this website. Coz it's a book.
Mo' Urban dictionary is available on Amazon and B&N
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Mo' Urban dictionary you can see if you lift your head and see a little to your left
A ridonkulously
Mo' Urban Malt Liquor!
In b4 Dave Chappel.
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When a woman grinds her genetailia on another person's head.
"I'm bald, so the only haircut I can get is a musky haircut..
THe great games, up in inverness! Woohoo! Havenufink to do wif the almighty celtic and the sumwhat lesser ranger so get away wif ya!