
What is Moat?


large ring of water surrounding a castle

OR the gigantic golden toilet of a very rich man.

"holy shit, you shoulda seen that rich guys moat!"

"he got a castle?!"

"no, stupid, the TOILET"


The nightlife phenomenon that occurs when several creeps and/or lurkers simultaneously surround a dance floor and leer at the dancing women in a disturbing fashion. A full moat occurs when the creep formation achieves a full 360 degree circle around the victims.

Entranced by the rhythmic pulses of the women's tender bodies, Steve joined the other creeps in forming a moat around the dancefloor.

See creep, werewolfing, lurker, pervert, scumbag


a half goat, half man.

Meg loves to look at moats.

See goat, man, meg, allison, poop


pronounciation = (Mow-At!)





Marv decided he was FOP, went to the can and

dropped a MOAT.


Something dank, digusting, and repulsive; much like something one would expect to find in a moat.

"What's this in the fridge?"

"I don't know, but it's totally moat."


the latest code word (as of 2007) for niggers

I can't stand those god damn moats

See moats, moat, nigger, blacks, niggers, turds, turd


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