
What is Mo-city?


mo-city-missouri city TEXAS!...yO!! wAs gOoD, iM fROm dA mO-CitY..."A pLaCE WheRE tHa giRLs aRe sO pReTTy" i cALL iT tHa "bUrBeTTo" bEcAusE iTs a CrOsS bEtwEeN tHa sUbUrBs & tHa gHettO, NiCe hOMeS WiT sWiMmiN pOoLs aNd gHettO aSS bLack fOLks tHat sTay iNUm EspEciALLy dOwN hEre iN QV, qUAiL rUN, hUNta'S gLeNN, cOmMUniTy pArk, aNd i wAnNa giVe a "wHat iT dO" tO tHurgOoD MarSheLLs, ELkiNs aNd higHTowEr hiGh sChOoLs...cLaSs oF "06"...dONt gO tA cOLLegE...nAW iM kIDdiN, pEaCe!

.."iM frOm tHa mO-CiTy, wHeRe tHa giRLs aRe sO pReTTy"-some dude dat stay across da street from meh!...i think his name is mike...

See h-town, h town, texas, mo-city


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