
What is Moderation?


The ability to exercise self-control while enforcing one's will power to resist certain situations a person puts themselves in too often.

Sifl demonstrates the use of moderation by passing on a puff puff give give every other time.


The art of drinking just enough to relax without losing the skill and complexity of fucking canadian trollops with abandon.

(Oh,sorry, thought this was a canadian dictionary!)

You need to show some moderation there, eh, you don't want to get pissed or that young canuck will bolt all the way back to cowtown.

See drinking, moderation, pissed, trollop, drunk


The trait of lessening love at first sight in severity and intensity, so as not to disrupt the day to day life of another. Also, see sexy.

Pantyless cowgirls will not flee if taken in moderation!

See love, intensity, sexy


Used in message boards when a offensive message has been taken down by the message board's administration. Often used as "Mod" or "Moded" for slang. (Mod can also be used as a noun for a Moderator)

I have 10 moderations on that account.


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