
What is Mofus?


- An adjective of extreme power.

Means one who is dimwitted, a dumbshit, stoopid-head, wacked out in the mind, or just plain retarded.

- It can also act as a unit of measurement, and adding the suffix 'ly' to the end of the original word can do so.

- Derived from the 'Monte Online Facility System' (MOFS) of New South Wales Catholic school, Monte Sant' Angelo, a.k.a MSA, the word mofus was created with just the addition of a U to make the new word seem more plausable to the Australian Language.

1. Omfg, you're such a mofus. OR You fucking mofus!

2. Woah man, thats totally mofus.

3. That was so mofusly huge.

See mo, fo, fus, mofus, m


to molest.

Omg, you mofus (as in a person like bastard, moron, etc.) stop mofusing me!

See mofus, mo, fus, fu, m, us, s


-the plural form of mofo

-refer to mofo for more information

Eunice thinks Dylan and his friends are mofus.

See mofo, mofus, fucker, motherfucker, fuck


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