
What is Mohesky?


1. A form of an Sexually Transmitted Disease that can only be reiceved from a male dog through the asshole

2. The result of glutney,World of Warcraft, the hood, and no friends

3. The worlds best dressed idiot

4. The act of licking your three nipples regularly

5. Another name for a frozen piece of poop that people eat like a popsicle

6. One of the forbidden sexual postions of the kama sutra, and also forbidden by the Buddhist Church.

1. " OH Duke you gave me Mohesky, I thought I could trust you."

2. Your such a Mohesky Blaine!

3. Tyler Mohesky

4. Man last night I got bored and pulled a Mohesky until my Dad walked in and helped me out.

5. Tyler walked to the fride and peered inside to see if there were any Moheskeies left.

6. Duke and his female companion tried to do the Mohesky last night and he pulled his ACL and broke the bed and ceiling fan.

See dog, dumbass, poop, ugly, tyler, gay, games, the, a, world of warcraft, wow, cbc, desmet, babies, gangsta, humanity, physics, mohesky, superbad, sexytime, people


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