
What is Moid?


the best site in the known internet. live MOID every day.

duuuude, bigsundae.wmv on MOID is the hottest shit in the world!

See moid, sex, sexy, poop, awesome, noodles, octopus, shit, butt, ass, cock, fool, gay, homo, fag, balls, anime, porn, forum


Minimum Orbital Intersection Distance

The minimum distance between the osculating orbits of two objects. It indicates the closest possible approach of the two objects except where excluded by protective resonance.

Also the main body of the url for one awesome site.

..the moid of the planet and that meteor is 3au.

See moid, orbital, intersection, distance, space, redjack


Mentally inadequate person. A simpleton.

Person 1: How do you hold a baby?

Person 2: Not by its neck, you moid!


The void between midnight and when you go to sleep, thus eliminating the confusion between last night and today.

We partied so late into the moid, that it was daylight when we left the club.

See midnight, morning, yesterday, today


a wart on ones penis

my moid popped today it looks like a noodle shasta


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