
What is Moisturiser?


I always thought it was cream you put on your skin in a vain attempt to slow up the ageing process

cream you put on your skin in a vain attempt to slow up the ageing process


The male version of a cockteasea man who leads the women who like him to believe he wants to have sex with them, but doesn't intend to deliver the goods.

Ben: I've emailed you a picture of my abs, i thought you might like em ;)

Nancy: omg you're such a moisturiser!

See moisture, moisturiser, cocktease, cock, tease, sex


the name moisturiser started when a group up us were drunk something the moisties dont do we decided which girls were goin 2 b da moisties and then it stuck. the original meaning of moisty was 'the girls who dont drink or go out, the frigid girls, the girls who we couldnt stand 2 b around, the immature then 5th form girls and the girls whos sentences werent complete without the trade mark OH MY GOD!!!!' the moisties apdpted this name & r now proud of it & as a girl i wouldnt b proud of it. it never really had 2 nething 2 do with moisturiser except the name

being a moisty is nothing to b proud of so stop claiming it!


girls who wouldnt hav a fuken clue how to judge the size of a penis because they hav never even touched or seen 1.

stop trying to make up things u no nothing about.


one who continuously moisturises and bitches about everything. mating call: oh my god oh my god oh my god can i borrow some moisturiser oh my god


diks who think they r cool cause they have started to go out HALF WAY THRU 6TH FORM yeeah real cool,most ppl start maybe at the latest 4th form.

diks,try hards,cock teases all in all huge faggots

See unkown


i said it to ur guys faces all da time it aint my fault if u dont listen!!! i dont bitch behind peoples backs something u guys wouldnt understand


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