
What is Moking?



1. Undercutting/ backstabbing your friends girl/guy;

2. Playing reverse game, by demeaning and putting down your friend to the guy/girl to make yourself appear better.

1. MOKing is a serious crime occurring on college campuses all over America.

2. I caught this kid MOKing Mike through text game.

3. MOKing is the cheapest and the least classiest way to pick up a guy/girl, and is not respected by anyone.

See backstabbing, classless


The act of smoking a cigarette or stogie through a hole in ones neck. This word was derived from the people who have a hole in their trachea (which they smoke from) and pronounce "smoking" as "moking" because they can't pronouce the "s" sound.

Pronounced = "mo-king" or "moke"

old man- *using a voice box* "mmmm Jimmm and I....mmm we went moking after work"


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