
What is Moldova?


Moldova is a Republic in eastern Eurpoe, landlocked between Ukraine and Romainia. It's now one of the poorest countries in the former USSR. Moldova can be used to express rural poverty.

"That poor girl from outta town has nothing at all, it's like she's from Moldova."

See Brian Jones


Moldova is a country in Eastern Europe, located between Romanian and Ukraine. It was a part of Romania until it was annexed to the USSR as a consequence of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939. The language spoken in Moldova is Romanian, and the majority of population is of Romanian ethnicity. In spite of the communist denationalization and brainwashing, a lot of people from Moldova know their true origins and history and still didn't give up on the thought of uniting with Romania. People from Moldova hope that the situation will get better here and they will have a chance to aproach the European values and standards when they will have a new democratical government.

I visited Moldova last year.

See moldova, romania, moldovan, moldavia, romanian


The "Gothic nation"!

Just like England was called the "Skinhead nation", because there were many skinheads, Moldova can be called the "Gothic nation", and not because there's many goths here, but because people tend to suffer on the inside like goths usually do, and because Moldova's got the biggest graveyard in Europe called "Doina cemetery", not to mention there's many squatts and ruined buildings...

It's also my home country, and i'll break any Romanian or Russian's neck if they shit-talk about my country!

A: Do you know why Moldova's the gothic nation?

B: Yeah, because it's people are very depressed and that they've set the record on mortality!

See moldova, goths, squatt, graveyard, cemetery


East European country, located between Romania and Ukraine. Used to be a part of Romania, then of the USSR. Gained independence in 1991, although the logical step would be the reunification with Romania.

Kind and nice people, smart youth, gaining international scholarships, investing in the country. Moldova is poor, but not for long (or so we hope).

Moldovan and Romanian are one language. ignorant people tend to think differently...

There is however one retarded living in Moldova - Luluta...who is a highly fuckable and stupid person.

Romanian - duce

Moldovan - duci, duse, dusi

Romanian - ce ma enervezi

Moldovan - si ma enervezi

See moldova, romania, europe, eu, russia, ussr, moldovan, retarded


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