Monday Noir

What is Monday Noir?


AKA. Black Lundi. Monday noir is the ancipated return of Dum Dumto the depot. The guy at the depot, even mossss of les miserables are dreading this daze because things have been relatively peaceful without him. His rant de jour will soon return though because the coffee is too forte at uptown and its too far wess of whoreleon, everyone uptown is an hassle, fbannat spend too much time avec les femmes, Mcsdats cans doesnt always call him exactly at 9:30 for le pause cafe, BDPHAC is a liar, the carpet is too bright uptown, the water has too many minerals in it, his chair is too soff, and that lady in fronts of him laughs too loud.

Guy, its monday noir; the fete at the depots is over, Dum Dum is coming backs to the eass end.


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