
What is Mongaloid?


Derived from the term 'mongol', to describe someone who has downs syndrome (retard).

You utter mongaloid

See donn


A naked midget that runs around the woods in the middle of the night humping peoples legs

I will never walk threw the woods again last time i did i got atacked by a mongaloid!!!

See midget, naked, scary, homo, steve


A really dense person.

Look at that mongaloid Scott trying to tie his shoelaces and failing

See spacka, flid, maddock, mongatron, twat


A circle person. A person who was born with the genetics that made them become a semi-circular blob.

That poor mongaloid, he's just lying there, all circular and stuff.

See mong, mongtastic, montag, moon


a person who is stone dumb and/or fucking ugly ass hell

the bitch who looked like a cat was a fucking mongaloid

al makes up words like mongaloid at summer weight rooms, and states any one who dosent know wat a mongaloid is in fact is a mongaloid them selves

See ugly, fat, bitch, dumb, retarted


someone who is stoned and stupid

you mongaloid you ate all my food

See god


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