
What is Monger?


Short for whoremonger, i.e., one who frequents whores and prostitutes.

He's a true monger, even his vacations are all to primo whorefucking destinations.


Short for whoremonger, one who frequents prostitutes

That monger is always on the strip looking for whores.

See whoremonger, hobbyist, pervert, perverts


1) Mung-ger: Someone who mongers(sells) something, for example fish-monger, ironmonger,whoremonger, assmonger, cockmonger

2) Mong-er: A mentally challenged person,retard,spaz,mongoloid(from which the word is derived)

"That assmonger can be such a monger sometimes!"


1. One who enjoys hoarding things or accumulating stuff. 2. One who becomes obsessive about an act, concept, or idea.

Jay Leno is a car monger.

The king was a war monger.

She is a such a sex monger.


to break, F**k, Shaft, destroy. Make love unpassionately.

Kerynn stop mongering that computer and do some F***ing work

See break, bugger, destroy, knacker, wreck


a carniverous, african kangaroo with 3 rows of teeth. it usually eats its prey in one bite. the babies are called josphines.

shannon is a beastly monger who likes to eat her one bite.

See me


another word for defining a retard/window licker.

your monger timmy! stop licking that window!

See window licker, monger, retard, special, spacker


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