Monkey Butler

What is Monkey Butler?


A trained monkey that acts as your servant, catering for all your needs. Also Simian servant

"Would you like a can of Stella? The monkey butler will get it. Oi, monkey..."


An employee with a wide variety of often menial duties. Someone who gladly will complete whatever task is requested.

George serves as my Monkey Butler. Some days he works on getting new clients, other days he merely gets my lunch

See servant, slave, peon, intern, lackey


A terminology that, if applied in a certain way, can be deemed offensive.

As the guests arrived back at Faversham Retreat, exhausted from a day of Big Game hunting, they were greeted by Lord Fotheringham-Smyth's ever courteous monkey butler, who politely ushered them into the Portrait Room for pink gin and cucumber sandwiches.

See Craig


A person who has become a complete and utter follower of another group or person. He/she will act on their whim without any thought about how stupid he/she will look or the consequences of said actions. They are usually regarded with a mixture of contempt and amusement by those whom they "serve"

"he's not their friend, he's just their monkey butler"

"hey man, get me a beer"

"fuck off, make the monkey butler do it"


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