Monkey Nuts

What is Monkey Nuts?


affectionate term for a friend

what up monkey nuts!


a large, hairy scrotum.

nigga, yo monkey nuts be stinking up my crib! you best wash that stank off!


A book written in 2007 by Vickie Sabin.A murder mystery about Veronica Martin trying to solve the murder of her cherished "grams". Set in California, Missouri and Oregon. Well written, 4 1/2 stars out of 5.

I can't put down this great book, Monkey Nuts.

See monkey nuts, grams


monkey nuts is when a person is so unfortunate to not change out of a bathing suit after going to the beach and the sand, salt, and sweat gathers on and around the ball sack and no matter how much your sack itches it will not go away

dude i went surfing and then out to lunch and now i have monkey nuts *itches ball sack*

See balls, sweat, sand, salt, beach, summertime, bathing suit


Very large, hairy testicles.

Mike has huge monkey nuts.

See big balls, small balls, coconuts, peanuts


small insane simians; or those who are fanitical over them

"look mommy, monkey nuts!"


The testicles of a member of the ape family.

Wow look at that pair of monkey nuts.


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