Monkey Spunk

What is Monkey Spunk?


A cream colored oil used to clean and preserve metal gun parts.

slap a little of that there monkey spunk on my barrel, would ya there Brucey.


monkeys sperm

i couldn't give a flying monkeys spunk


A thick white substance created by a monkey during the process of ejaculation.

Oh my this monkey spunk tastes bad!

Did you see where i left my monkey spunk?

See monkey, spunk, jizm, cum, come


To look so discraceful that you resemble the spunk of a monkey.

For fuck's sake, you look like some monkey spunk from the end of a monkey's penis!

See dickhead, arsehole, primate, invalid, freak


Used as a tame expletive as opposed to f@ck or sh@t.

Oh monkey spunk!!! What a load of monkey spunk!!! You dumb monkey spunk!!! etc


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