
What is Monkeyshlett?


Monkeyshlett means beyond feeling high to the point it cant get any better.

It is also a bodypart of a monkey.

i'm feeelin mizzunkizzleshlizz'2tha'nizzette


a feeling of a high, on such drugs as herbal buds and hazes of such. After excessive use and intake of psychologically enhancing budded flowers. Greens that were only made specifically hybrid crossed and given the highest hydroponic treatments since the 70's and present

friend 1: Fuck me man, i'm getting paranoid after smoking that weed man

friend 2: nah bro, just chill. i know how you feel. it will go in a while. you'll be alright, you're just monkeyshlett. its ok.

guy said: hey dude, i am in monkeyshlett, i love it so much. pass me some more.

girls smoking: That skunk is so monkeyshlett, you only need a little bit.

boy 1:hey that just shletted me hard bro

boys friend:you have to toke it till you get monkeyshletted though bro. don't fade out on me from just being shletted up. I want to feel the monkey with it

boy: True, lets get monkeyshletted up


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