
What is Monner?


A 'Monner' is a person who has lived in the same town, surbub or city all their life. Monner's tend to stick together, always following the traditions of the town. The most notable monnerish town is Droitwich Spa, in Worcestershire England.

General Monnerish Habits:

Always have to go home, only their own bed is acceptable.

Tend to work fulltime in a dead-end job, prefrably retail.

Frequent, compulsive washing and cleaning of their car, the 'monner-mobile'

Tend to copy each other in many aspects of their life, job, vehicle, material possesions purchased and holidays.

Speak with a monnerish accent dragging out the end syllable of each word, presenting the words in a dreary, slow monnerish tone.

Settling down with childhood sweetheart.

Living next door to grandparents and other relatives.

David: "Alright Rob you 'monner', fancy cleaning the car and possibly heading down the ringers for a pint?"

Robert: "Yes Sherm, sounds like a plan, but first i need to go home and slap around my monner of a wife."

See monner, monna, moner, Eric Cartmen


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