What is Monties?
"Monties" are the Glands of Montgomery, sometimes called Montgomery Glands. They are sebaceous glands in the
Since the Montgomery glands are more visible in women, they are commonly regarded to be a secondary sex characteristic, by men. (Yeah!) The Montgomery glands are not always visible, even in women. In some women, the Montgomery glands become raised when the nipple is sexually stimulated, similar to goose bumps on cold skin. In other women, the pigmentation of the Montgomery glands makes them more visible, at all times. Usually, pregnancy and breast feeding will make a woman's Montgomery glands more prominent. Hence, some men regard these glands instinctively as an attractive sign of fertility.
They are named after Dr. William Fetherstone Montgomery , the Irish obstetrician who first described them, in the olden days, 1797-1859. Yeah, Monty! (They let guys look at a lot of weird stuff, in the olden days, didn't they, Dad?)
"That girl's ex says she's got nubbly dark monties all over her chocolate brown areolae. When she's really hot, her monties perk up like goosebumps, makin' her look like she's really cold... weird..."
"Since my girl's been breast feeding her baby, her pink areolae got lots bigger and redder, with perky red monties all over them"
"My girl's got light brown puffy nipples, but her monties are real dark, like freckles. I like 'em that way, but she is like real embarressed and thinks that somethun is wrong with 'em... go figger..."
"My ex had permanently puffy nips, but always smooth as butter... no monties at all..."