
What is Mooish?



1. Displaying qualities that resemble those found in the Bulgarian cows.

2. Having OCD like tendencies, especially centering around the ritual of washing ones face and not trusting foreign towels.

3. Describing make-up/clothing that is commonly worn by Moo; gothic. Especially eyeliner that is not confined to the eye, but branches out to the surrounding areas in a pattern of swirls and/or lash like lines; moolashes

4. A pattern of speech that completely and utterly (ha, pun intended!) lacks any since and is often funny, though not intended to be; a statement that is worthy of APD, often ridiculously random/unthought-out. Sometimes a mix of Bulgarian/English; blah-blah. b. a really sad attempt at being funny.

5. The habit of leaving socks at the houses one visits, especially red and/or rainbow colored ones.

6. Having the amazing ability to be in the shower everytime the phone rings, no matter what time of day.

7. Using the word freak to discribe everything.

8. Being really really extremely cool despite being a communist triangle and having chickens on every farm; matska

Moo: I have to wash my face!

Sir: Stop being so mooish. Wait, did you bring your own towel with you?

Der: Wow Ren, your make-up looks really mooish today.

Ren: No, there was just an earthquake while I was putting on my eyeliner!

Person 1: Turn the fan louder!

Person 2: You are so mooish.

Mooish speech:

ex 1- Blah blah blah free lunch blah blah tooka bla bla bla mamo blah blah blah ok blah blah blah matska platska blah blah blah caio.

ex 2- I'm fed up so stop feeding me.

Person 1 : I called her, but she was in the shower.

Person 2: That is so mooish.

Person 1: Why did he just call me a freak?

Person 2: Oh, don't worry, he's just a little mooish today.

See bulgaria, moo, bulgarian, triangle, gothic, ocd, cow


A way of acting in which your all moo like, if you know what i mean. Aye?

That vegetarian is so vegetablish, she should be more mooish!


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