
What is Moonshine?


Moonshine is illegally distilled homemade whisky, usually with a very high alcohol content. It got its name because it was normally distilled at night "by the light of the moon." Most moonshine is distilled in West Virginia, Kentucky and Virginia.

The only reason that moonshine is illegal is because there anyone who distills spirits in the U.S. has to pay a federal tax. Moonshiners don't pay the tax. Local police usually ignore moonshiners because "they ain't hurtin' anyone."


General term for homemade, unaged (and therefore colorless) drinking alcohol. The term came into use during the Prohibition era in the United States when stills (homemade distilleries) throughout the southeast made liquor from corn, potatoes, sugar and other available ingredients, in direct defiance of the law, in order to meet the never-diminished demand.

Moonshine (see also "white lightning") as a term refers to the alcohol's clear, colorless potency.

Moonshine ain't nothin' but sunshine that's been cooked down a little bit, Deputy.


1.A drink with such a potent punch it will put hair on your chest then burn it off

2.Something hillbillys make when they cant afford to go to town to buy beer and of whiskey

3.A drink known to cause blindness and second only to petrol in potency

Damn boy you drink moonshine why dont you just go huff some paint thinner

See Wilhelm


Illegal alcoholic drink brewed illegally during 1930s prohibition in America. Brewers often used industrial alcohol which lead to much blindness and brain damage in those who drank it.

That moonshine gave old Jonny brain damage.


A homemade drink high in alcohol. Also less commonly known as boomshine

Hey i know this girl Claritta that makes some real good moonshine


Guy cums into his hands, slaps hands together, and then shines cum onto girl's butt cheeks.

We did moonshine last night and it felt great!

See moonshine, moon shine, cum, sex, butt, Costa Rica


its good and sold in european countries at little wooden stands.

it must be consumed from a flask

it has a high alcohol percentage

passing out on sum lady's kitchen floor while under the influence of moonshine


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