Moose Cock

What is Moose Cock?


An indescribable amount of suckage.

Man, that exam sucked big hairy moose cock!!!

See the hard goodbye, suck-diddley-uck, hairy moose cock


an incredibly large man piece; similar to 'hung like a horse'

wanker 1: "toby has a fucking moose cock"

wanker 2: "he is the ugliest kid on the planet, god had to make up for it somehow"

wanker 1: "atleast he has a shot in the porn industry"

See john


A Canadian's favorite food

Hey Honey why don't you fry me up some of that Moose Cock for supper?

See know the toe


that is the biggest moose cock story I heard

jimmy was telling his how the window got broke and Dad replies " the the biggest moose cock story I ever heard !!"

See dionysis


An American's favourite appetizer,

before the Moose balls

Fry me up one of those Texas Moose Cocks boy

See Kerpal


Canandian National past time.

Yea so , ahh yea A. Lest eat some moose cock A.

See Davin


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