What is Moot Point?
A moot point is similar to receiving negative points. While one person may score several points in a game of hockey, another opponent can score several moot points because he screwed up or just plain sucks.
Ex1: Mike Haire forgot that his fly was open all night. That's a moot point.
Ex2: After that terrible game I award you 4 moot points.
frequently takes place when
two cows can´t reach a consensus.
It usually but not always happens
when the subject is academic.
Bo & Vin are discussing organic farming
and wonder how this will affect
them. Vin is concerned with all this
organic feed and no hormones her teats
won´t be as attractive as before.
Bo disagrees. The hormones they have been
given all their lives will retain Vin´s form.
Since neither of them can agree, they have reached
a moot point.