
What is Moresome?


Sex between a guy, and four (or more girls) girls. Or a girl and four (or more) guys.

Not an considered an orgy, because an orgy is equal or almost an equal amount of people of the opposite sexes. Or more then four people of the same sex.

Doug: My friend just called me, and apparently he had a moresome last night.

Tova: And you believe him?

Doug: Well, I normally wouldn't, but one of the girls involved called me to tell me about it too.


threesome= sex including you and two other people. 3 in total.

foursome= sex with you and 3 other people. 4 in total

Moresome= ORGY!

Lets grab 6 bitches and start a moresome!


An orgy, gangbang, or any group sex that is over four people.

The nympho bitch isn't happy with threesomes or foursomes. It has to be a moresome to get her sloppy ass off.

See threesome, foursome, orgy, gangbang, swinging


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