What is Morman?
Alternative spelling for the
"That guy is such a morman."
"Don't you mean mormon?"
"That's what I said."
Mormon person who is also a man.
"You're such a morman."
"I'm catholic."
a faith followed by book written by a guy that translated out of a hat from golden plates. who wouldnt show anyone else because he was commanded so.. re-wrote the book and it was different to the original copy, IRONIC???
Hi, im a morman, i believe that morman is a swell religion!!! NOT
Tiny civilized religious people who have different ways of believing in God and Jesus because there grumpy little bastards! They can only said the word "morman"
look at those morman's what a load of douche bags!
the idea when being a matyr to have more virgins than you need you give them to others to have that is it in a nutshell
i was a morman when satan tried to kill me so i gave them away to other people and had multiple sexual partners