
What is Mormonism?


Also referred to as the Zombie Religion. It is a term given to the brainwashed zombies that follow the mormon cult, also referred to as latter day saints (LDS). Sorry but as much as they (mormons) would like to deny it their so called 'religion' is nothing more than a backward cult. Some fellow, Joseph Smith, had an overactive imagination and a penchant for polygamy and manipulating people. He is no better than Jim Jones, L. Ron Hubbard or other similar narcissistic bloke that has cropped up ready to become the next great incarnate of something holier than thou (bla bla bla). It just so happened that he (Joe Smith) rolled in on an entire state of stupid people and was able to rope them into believing in his B.S.

Just because a lot of people believe in mormonism does not make it anything other than a cult. It is just that mormonism has become a really big cult that is nonetheless scary in its manipulative and backward belief system than it was at its inception.

Funniest thing I ever saw was while working in a computer lab while in University and beside me was a mormon boy and his mom looking through a mormon website picking out girls that would be good for him to marry. That was too much. Aparently morminism teaches young men to avoid finding a free thinking young woman but rather some bred for breeding brainwashed little girl that can be manipulated and coerced to ensure continued mormonism. If are cognitively deficient and the remainder of your brain function has been severely manipulated it is pretty hard to not be a zombie of mormonism.

See mormon, lds, cult, mission, polygamy, idiocy, stupid, utah, jim jones, temple, manipulate


mormonism is a succesful cult that has succeeded in passing as religion

Non-mormon "do you practice mormonism?"

Mormon "yes why?"

Non-Mormon "What goes on in the temple, do they kill babies?"

Mormon "maybe...You will never know"

See joseph smith, lds, mormon, jesus


A made up term promoted by people who dislike the "mormon church." In actuallity there is no "mormon church," "mormon" was the nickname given to followers of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints by their persecuters in the 1800's. Much of the mormon history is shrouded in lies and cover-ups such as when, America, "Land of the free," passed a law stating that it was legal to kill members of this church on sight.

Many ignorant people have devoted their lives to spreading lies about "Mormonism" which any educated ten year old could counter with basic knowledge of this church. I for one am not actually mormon, but do know their teachings and can testify that "anti-mormonism" is slightly retarded in a derogitory sense and extremely petty. Do not believe anything bad you hear about mormons unless it is out of the mouth of somebody currently in the church and YOU think it is bad.

The way I see it, if there IS a right religion, it's either mormonism or the jews because they're the only two that Satan seems to be working against.

See a


Also known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Mormons dont like to be called "Mormons." They prefer the "Latter Day Saints" label. Some Christian denominations consider it a cult but Mormons strongly disagree. Mormonism was founded by Joseph Smith in upstate New York in the 1800s. Latter Day Saints members follow the Book of Mormon and call it "Another Testamant of Jesus Christ," which I find hogwash, because the Bible specifically teaches that it is the ONLY Word of God. The early Mormons migrated to Illinois then to Salt Lake City, Utah where its headquarters is today. Mormonism is among the world's fastest-growing religions.

Key beliefs:

1. Joseph Smith, its founder, was a "prophet" and was led by the angel Moroni to a hill in upstate New York to discover a set of golden plates that contained prophecies that are not found in the Bible. At this site he allegedy saw God and Jesus. What crap. The Bible teaches that no human being can lay their eyes upon God and survive.

2. They believe that the Garden of Eden was located at the present day site of Kansas City, Missouri and that Zion will be located there in the future. What crap. The Bible specifically says the Garden was in the Fertile Crescent between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

3. Jesus and Lucifer (Satan) are brothers and Godchildren to God the Father and his "wife." This implies a sexual union between God the Father and some Godess. What hogwash.

4. God is made of flesh and bone becuase the Bible says mankind is made in the image of God.

5. Prophets from around the time of the Tower of Babel built a boat and sailed to what is now the North American continent.These people are the ancestors to ancient North American tribes.

6. celestial marriage in that marriage continues in the afterlife.

7. baptism of the dead in that one can be baptised on behalf of a deceased loved one

8. family-oriented and lots of kids

9. DOES NOT BELIEVE IN MONOGOMY. The practice was denounced by the Church in the 1800s.

10.Jesus appeared to Indians in ancient America sometime after his resurrection in the first century.

11.The leaders of each church is considered a "prophet" and is specifically ordained by God himself to lead a congregation.

I find Mormonism to be crap but its followers are nice, loving people.

See utah, joseph smith, religion, krock1dk


"Mormon" is a term used to refer to people that belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Mormonism is a religion whose teachings are either misunderstood or skewed by many people in an attempt to discredit. Just to be clear, I am an inactive Mormon, and I do not agree with all of their teachings, however, I'm tired of seeing so many people who know the rumors and not the facts, so here I am to supply the facts and to discredit the rumors. Ahead is a list of mormon beliefs along with some facts. The Mormon church was restored by Joseph Smith after he recieved a vision from God. Joseph Smith is not the founder of the church, but the one who restored it. Mormons are christians. If you disagree with this, look up the definition of christian in a webster dictionary. Mormons practiced polygamy in the 1800s but do not any more, except for a very few amount of Mormon Extremists that live in Utah, but they are usually arrested and sent to jail. Mormons do not worship Aliens in their temples. Their temples are where couples are married and families are sealed so that they can spend the rest of their lives together not only in this world, but in the next world as well. There is no "till death do you part" in a mormon wedding. Also, Mormons do not believe that they or any other being can ever be God's equal, or be a God, however, they do believe they can become perfect "like" Jesus after they learn and aqcuire a complete understanding in the next world and evolve spiritually. Mormons do no believe in Hell as a place. They believe that every single person in the world no matter what has a chance in the next world. Also, the Words of Wisdom are a set of health reccomendations that suggest that people shouldn't smoke, drink coffee, or drink alcohol for health related reasons. A large population of mormons live in Utah, but most of Utah's inhabitants are non-mormon and most Mormons don't live in Utah. Most mormons are nice because they have high moral standards. Some mormons can seem to be bitches or assholes because of the way they say things, or because of their sometimes arrogant attitudes towards non-mormons, however, if you come across a mormon like this, just ignore them and know that not all are like that, and try to pay more attention to the doctrine and not the people. They believe God is a loving being and not a being to be feared, as many other religions believe. They believe that confession is a step toward repentance, but is not complete repentance, and that if one's repentance is sincere, all sins can be forgiven by God. They don't think that they are the only religion with truth. They believe that many different religions have truth in them. They just believe that theirs is the most true, like all religions. They also believe in God Given free will, or the ability to choose for yourself. They are not a cult, do not worship satan, and are not racist against black people. Some of the nicest people I've met have been Mormon. A word of advice is don't believe everything to hear. Look into things for yourself. Its embarrassing when you claim things to be true and are then proven to be false.

Mormonism is the fastest growing religion in the world.

See mormon, morman, mormonist, joseph smith


In 1832, Joseph Smith found golden plates on Hill Cumorah; a small, steep hill located in Palmyra, NY. So, Mormanism began. Every summer, Palmyra is infested with religion-spreading Mormons, merely hoping to pass their goodness unto the world through missionary work and abstinence. Here, they enjoy the festivities of the Hill Cumorah Pagent, the very site at which the religion was founded.

(To non-mormon)"Hi. I'm from Palmyra." *Blank Stare*---"Oh..ol..?" "It's like a Jerusalem to the Mormons." "Oh, I have a Mormon friend. She can't..." "I know."

(To Mormon) "Hi. I'm from Palymra." "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" "No. You're Mormon aren't you?"

See anonymous


The term for those who belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. IT IS NOT A CULT.

If you're Mormon, you practice Mormonism. Mormonism is NOT a cult.

See Rachel


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