
What is Morning?


There is no 'urban' definition for morning because the type of people who speak 'urban' do not know what morning is.

"Now that I've got a job I've got to get up in THE MORNING."

"Morning? What the hell's that?"


the worst time of day, mostly described as the time you have to wake up to get to your piece of shit job or the time of day when your passed out on a stranger's house.

dude 1: "yo u totally crashed on my couch last night"

dude 2: "sorry i just found out this morning"

dude 1: "dude u fucked my sister"

See morning, hell, death


Irishfor hangover

"Aye, Murphy, 'ts gonna be a bad morning"

See hangover, drunk, irish, booze, bar


A greeting that can be used at any time of day, even if it isnt morning. Can confuse people but is the easiest non thinking way to say hello.

Jeff: Hey john

John: morning

Jeff: Dude, its 5 in the evening...

John: meh...

See morning, greeting, lazyness, meh, hello, hey, hi, yo


another term for a homo.

Dude look at that guy in the tight pants, he must be a facking morning.

See homo, fag, queer, straight, faggot


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