
What is Morrisonned?


Well, there was this really shit supermarket called Safeway. And everyone knew it was shit. Then something happened, and it stopped being shit for a while, and everyone went their and talked about how good it was. But then, the novelty wore off and it went back to being shit, but obviously it was called Morrisons now.


'to Morrison'- to be lame, and suddenly become cool. ( and usually go back to being lame afterwards.

He Morrisons, she Morrison, they Morrison, he Morrisonned, he will Morrison...

Long-winded idiot sentence: ' Oh yeah, Norman, he was a complete n00b, but then he got some Ralph Lauren shirts and his acne went away, and everyone liekd him, but then his acne came back and he told us he was in love with Harry Potter.'

Simplified equivalent: 'Norman completely Morrisonned.'

Person A: 'I have a feeling Norman will Morrison soon.'

Person B: 'No way, he has ultimate real-life acne.'

See transition, change, warp


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