
What is Morristown?


A town in new jersey that is becoming increasingly ghetto, where the preppy kids are embarassed to say that they go to the high school. A place where spanish people dominate the inner town and stay outside till all hours of the night. Morristown is in the heart of the 3rd richest county in America, as of 2005. The suburbs including: Morris Plains, Convent Station and Morristownship all have wealthy cores, but still support a common trash highschool.

It's Morristown and we fuckin love it


You Know You're From Morristown When:

1. Going to the movies is the most exciting thing to do.

2. Speedwell avenue is littered with mexicans hanging around Pan Pizza

3. Mexicans hang out by the train station as early as 5:00 looking for someone to "hire them

4. The high school is considered ghetto even though it is 60% white

5. Football and hockey games are where it's at

6. Half the minorities in the high school work at Century 21

7. The center of town is named after a color

8. There are two dunkin donuts within a half mile radius

9. No one ever flushes

10. Half of your friends go to another school

11. Everything looks old as hell

12. There are four floors in the high school

13. The pool is pretty much hair gel, pee and chlorine

14. You really, really can't accept losing at anything

15. Hackysack is the cool thing for underclassmen to do at lunch

16. There is a school store, but inothing in there

17. You don't have to eat lunch in the cafeteria

18. The one teacher you don't want is Mr. Ferrante

19. You never use all your snow days

20. The one substitute you want is Mr. Joe

21. You've had one or more teachers who are more than four inches shorter than you.

22. Your principal has a mole on her head the size of a quarter

23. Everyone hates Osborne

24. The band is pretty good but they're all considered to be the biggest fags on the planet

25. You've fought someone in Cluck U

26. Randolph is your main rival

27. Driver's ed is the best class you'll take

28. You just don't give a fuck

29. The class of 2009 runs shit

30. 2010 and 2011 are 2009's bitches

31. You have designated areas to go for fire drills

32. No one follows the dress code

33. The security guards (except for one) are a complete and utter joke

34. You know what we mean when we say "goonies"

35. The baseball team plays their home games over three miles away form the school

36. Every good website is blocked

37. You can question the sexuality of at least ten teachers in the school

38. The top place to go after school is Suvio's which is right up the hill

39. Our " city mall" is the Walmart which is in Cedar Knolls

40. Your mascot is named after a 1770's warrior

41. There is always baby mama drama

42. You've been to a party with at least six kegs of beer

43. You actualy have to work in wood shop

44. No one runs during gym

45. There is service everywhere

46. You know at least five black girls with fake hair

47. You love folk art

48. Crack kills

49. Any kind of decent dancing is prohibited at prom

50. You really, really, really hate Randolph, Mendham, West Morris, Seton Hall Prep and Delbarton

I love Morristown, but I can't wait to get the fuck out of here

Kid 1: You live in Morristown?

Kid 2: Yep.


Kid 2: No, not really.

See motown, history, ghetto, better than you


an old colonial town that previously housed some of colonial America's wealthiest white men. Today, Morristown is a diverse urban suburban town where the increasing Latino population has taken over central Speedwell Ave. As a result, white people are moving away or further out into the woods of Morristown, Black people are getting mad, and Latinos that have been here for years are getting bougie.

Morristown boasts an eclectic array of overpriced restaurants and bars, most of which named after animals (Dark Horse, Funky Monkey, the Grasshopper, the Famished Frog, etc.). Morristown also has some of the nicest housing projects this side of the Mississippi. Who knew the suburbs could be this hood?

A: "Where you from?"

B: "Morristown"

A: "Oh, you must be rich"

See motown, morristown


aka bbtown/hood

were white people are movin away to parsippany and people who wunt to get away from vilence done at bbtown. mostly populated by latinoz/blakz.the town wuntz to get rid of both races by makin every thang so 2008 der has been 2 murders and 3 stealings in the dangerous zone MARTIN LUTHER KING AV. were both races hang past 11 pm! drug dealers live der too but dont police noe dat! bbtown is a urban and suburban town. transportation by bbpeople: bikes,walking,runnin,mini motor cycles!

ex a: were u goin

ex b: morristown bbtown

ex a: i would go but u comin late n i dont wunna b robbed!

See morristown, hood, latinos, blacks, martin luther king


A town in new jersey, where the preppy kids double pop their collars in hopes to be mistaken for Delbarton and Pingry yuppie counterparts. And blame their troubles on the “growing diversity” when in reality, if they stopped having themselves featured in the Daily Record and Star Ledger weekly for drug busts, and drunken mistakes, then maybe someone could start taking them seriously. It isn’t that Covent Station, Morris Plains, and Morris Township are meant to keep “out” the diversity that Morristown holds…It's that no cultured person is actually willing to live next door to a prick. Nobody goes to Morris Township, Morris Plains, or Convent….we go to Morristown for the bars, the shopping, the restaurants….no one has even heard of Morris Township, Morris Plains…or Convent. If those three were so great, maybe they'd stick the highschool and all of us "trash" there.

It's morristown and WE fuckin love it because we dont hold disdain for where we're from.

See chatham, summit, madison, mendham


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