
What is Morty?


The Ecruteak Gym Leader in Pokemon, who is UBER-HOT and looks like a stoner. :3

He trains ghost-type Pokemon when he's not smoking crack like a good boy.

Tells people of the legend of the Burnt Tower, which burned when he dropped a joint and the whole place went up but he was too slammed ot do anything about it.

Morty bought more crack from Falner today.


a nickname given to the suburb of mortdale, sydney, Australia.

shaun: catch ya down at morty? good side?

ayden: nah bad side! i wanna buy singles at ctc

See mortdale, morty, death valley, boys, gang, mortdale


The embodiment of when your car has a noisy problem which you don't fix, such as a loose strut or even a loud creaking noise, referred to as a dead guy trying to break out of his coffin

Dude were you in Adie's car today, Morty's pissssssed!

See Danthrax


a fat man; who sometimes shows humanity. But most of the time insanity and racism (see mout)

Morty is so racist!!!!


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