
What is Motherfucking?


it is used before a name or a place or something to hype it up and suggests that it is really cool and badass!

wooooooo its 5pm, time for the MOTHERFUCKING Paul O' Grady Show!

the motherfucking eggheads, can anyone beat you?


(adj) Used to tone up and strengthen what you mean like making something heavier,worse,better,more incredible...etc

-I can't bear with my motherfucking brother! He broke down my baby(computer) again!

-Most people are gonna have their motherfucking lessons when they face to the God

-A:Can you help me with carrying the caryall?It is really motherfucking!

B:Let's haul the assthen!

-Do you want me to give a fuck to your motherfucking ideas? Am I that motherfucking that your mama think?


adjective: a distressed state of condition, primarily used to speak in a pejorative fashion.

1.that motherfucking son of a bitch

2.kill his motherfucking ass right now

3.this motherfucking tax cut aint worth a shit.

See ld


(See Motherfucker to get the idea of the variant forms)

Wretched, disgusting, despicable.

That Motherfucking piece of nothing!


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