
What is Motherload?


1) The best online game ever. In this game you are given a Mining Pod and you dig for minerals on mars.

In this game you can get various upgrades such as a bigger fuel tank, a better Drill, a better Radiator, etc. You can also buy dynamite, C4, excess fuel tanks, etc.

You can play this game at Xgenstudios

2) A large quantity of something such as money.

1) Me: Have you played Motherload?


*one minute second later someone finds the loser with a kife jammed in back*

2) I hit the motherload in Vegas!!!


jackpot, big winnings or big findings

Today I went to an abandoned warehouse and boy did I hit the motherload. There was free stuff everywhere worth thousands of dollars.


Motherload is one of the best flash games circulating on the Internet. Additionally Motherload is a valid excuse for taking the day off College, School, and Work etc.

Your friend - "Hey due why weren't you in School yesterday?"

You reply "Motherload"

The conversation ends there.

See motherload, college, school, excuse, flash


the biggest, the best - nothing even compares to something that is the {motherload}

Why get those small breast implants, when you can get the motherload of all implants. Helps if you use the phrase "motherload of all..."

I got pelted with a motherload of potatoes.

See huge, ginormous, biggest, best


When a big clump of dried up poop is stuck in a clump of butt hairs right below the balls and just above the butthole.

Hey dude, i have this really annoying motherload im trying to get rid of, have any idea's?..

See poop, butt, hole, clump, dried up


A term used to describe the bounty left by the anus through defication.

"Here I sit, same as ever,

took a dump, pulled the lever.

The toilet clogged...the water flowed,

look out world, it's a motherload."

See Don


When you're having sex with a girl and her mom comes in, and you pull out and accidentally cum on her. (Preferrably in the eye.)

"Whoops, sorry Mrs. Anderson. I'll

bet that stings."


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