
What is Moti?


Fat female in Punjabi. Could also refer to a homie.

Look at that moti eat that sandwich

What up moti

See fat girl, big, homie


Fat female in Punjabi. Could also refer to a homie.

Look at that moti eat that sandwich

What up moti

See fat girl, big, homie


a big dude that attends a school called Markham District. This dude REALLY stands out on his basketball team since he's tha ONLY black guy on it. He had a cat that died in a raccoon fight n he has two brothers. This dudes rich but don't try robbin him, it ain't worth ur life. He's referred to in a slang word as "LAZY N DAY RUINER"

JON- lets goto tha mall

GUY- ok come to ma place then we'll all go

Jon- ok were here lets go

GUY- i change ma mind, i'm sick, go wit out me



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