Mouth Piece

What is Mouth Piece?


When you can spit the sweetest game and talk your way out any situation.

Joe: "Mike cheated on that breezy like four times already and she's still payin his bills!"

Luck: "Dat's cuz that's fools got a mouth piece homie."

See mouthpiece, flows, game


a piece of cardboard from a pack of cigarettes rolled up and stuffed into the bigger end of a blunt. Stops particles from flying into your mouth, AND gives optimal smoke flow.

1.) You want me to put a mouth piece in this shit?

2.) Take that fuckin mouth piece out dude! The weed almost gone!

See weed, blunt, mouthpiece, mouth piece, l


the end of a blunt,joint that is rolled smaller and making it asymmetric.... jb patent mouth piece


*========> or *==== = mouth piece

See mouth, piece, blunt, joint, weed


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