What is Movember?
Held in November, this is the month in which people gather together to grow and compare mostaches. Participants begin the month clean shaven and cultivate their mostaches throughout the month. The month climaxes with participants comparing and appeciating each others mostaches in a manly, non gay way.
dude, i'm gonna grow the fattest mostache this Movember!
Movember(formally known as November) is a month long fund raising event during which participants(almost always adult males) attempt to grow a luxurious and stylish
The rules are that at the start of the month the shaved smile must be photographed and posted, updates must be provided for donating parties, and at the end of the month the results must be photographed and displayed. in addition Participants may organise a Movember party do display the completed Mo!
johnny-"I'm growing a handlebar Mo for Movember!"
thomas-"I'm goin the chopper mo!"
Timmy-"i'm doin the sanchez!"