
What is Mozomo?


A person who can convert the most negative/depressed person in to supremely positive person in just 1 coffee / 1 wine session found a lot in cities / places like San Francisco, other Bay Area, Bombay, New York, Spain, London, Mumbai, etc

Mozomo's can make you belive that you are a Superman/girl and Impossible is Nothing!


kristina was going thru a bad phase of life in between jobs, break up and had almost left hope, that's where she met a Mozomo @ Union Square in Frisco (cud be a male or female) who actually just by talking few positive words and giving her few ideas on what she can do in life, and how God is constantly taking care of his children (all of us) paying for her wine (without asking for any favours or ithout een expecting 1) made her belive that she is a Superwomen and she can almost do anything she desires, next day Kristina was wearing a t-shirt with a Quote 'Impossible is Nothing'!

See mozomo, optimist


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