
What is Mr.fluffums?


A name for someone who is superior to God, This person has the ability to do anything better than any person/being in the universe, and those not in the universe. this person can not be a female, and has a an abnormally large penis,He was best friends with Jesus and batman. and He is the manliest being of all. this person has been proven to be better than a Csupreme.

A Mr.Fluffums has been proven to be superior to Chuck Norris and Jet lee.

Csupreme: I'm the best in the world?

Person 1: Really?

Csupreme: Yeah!

Mr.Fluffums: I beg to differ!

Csupreme: Holy shit, It's a Mr.Fluffums!

Person 1: Wow squidward, you're so stroong!

See god, perfect, manly, better, vegetable, Mr.Fluffums


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