What is Mrnale?
A total Dickhead. Most irritaking man you will EVER incounter. Sick and cold-hearted fagot.
-Counstantly feels the need to repeat himself over ten times!
-Also uses way too many synomyns.
"There will be an exam, rather a test, rather an examination, rather a etc.." WE FUCKING GET IT YOU MOTHER BITCH OF ASS!...
He also looks very much like a rat, girbal or a seal.
Unsatisfied with life (does not have one). Absolutely adores torchering students, as well as his children and young children in his family.
Highly distrubing. Grades papers all day long and no longer gets any action. (Has been divorced not once,not twice but three times). Actually takes days off of school to get a haircut, dye, and ''tan''(sun burn).
Man, I SURE pray to Jesus I DO NOT turn out like that pathetic soul when im old.
"Folks, Tomorrow there will be a QUEST" "Not quite a quiz, also not quit a test; therefore, rather- A QUEST".
"Moving on from here, moving on from here"
Mrnale sure makes me wuna put a gun in my mouth A- Block.
dick sucking fagot.
-has no life; what so ever.
-has been so called 'divorced' three times. No wonder, look at you.
-The most aggetating, 'anal', bothersome 'man' to walk earth.
" oh god, here comes mrnale- fuck my life".