What is Mrr?
A low vibration of the vocal cords, not quite a moan. Often made as a sign of annoyance, but also can show pleasure.
See also:
1. "What did he just say? Mrr..."
2. He mrred softly as he received the back massage.
A low, vibrating expression often made under one's breath of annoyance of frustration.
Mrr! I can never find two socks that match!
Pronounced "Murrr"
1. An expression of annoyance, contempt or boredom.
2. Also a way to explain how someone bitches endlessly about something without repeating them.
Mrr. We're awesome. You suck.
Mrr! Go away!
Mrr. I'm bored.
Mrr! Bitch bitch bitch! Clean your room/Get a job/whatever.
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