
What is Msd?


Marajuana Smoking Device

a bowl, bong, pipe, some other device used to smoke bud; where's your MSD?

See marajuana, bud, high, smoke, pot


MSD is- Mis-Situated Dick

Bobby and Eddie were fishing when Eddie turned to Bobby and says," these new jeans Bonnie got me are giving me one hell of a MSD".

See dick, situate, fishing, jeans, dew me


This disease is a rare. MSD stands for Multiple Scrotum Dysfunction. What happens is that you start to grown 2 or more scrotum. The most so far been recorded is 5. It is painful during growth

CJ: Hey did you hear Adam had MSD

Akram: Damn that sucks

Gerard: I hope I don't get it

Adam: GOD DAMN THIS HURTS!!!!!!!!!!

See msd, pubs, scrotum, balls, testicals, testies, sak, sex, titties, head, blowjob, cum


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