
What is Msn?


Short for Microsoft Service Network not Microsoft Network.

Mr x. you gonna be on MSN later?

Mr y. yeh ill see you later then.


The term used for a computer virus, developed by Microsoft. This virus is spread from computer to computer to human to computer and is more widespread than HIV and AIDS put together.

The virus attacks your computer speed, personal life, language skills, personality, hard drive space and posture. The virus is HIGHLY contagious .

On the plus side, your typing skills will improve 1000% !



*dude 2* im so sorry to hear. stay the hell away from me, i just reformatted.


*dude 1* Do you want to see a movie later?


*dude 1* huh???


Money Snatching Network. Due to the fact that this "Network" is powered by an "unreliable power source", namely "hamsters and chipmunks running on exercise wheels", this network has been known to experience severe downtimes. Especially during "peak usage", more than five people.

-Mr. Gates, when did you realize you were creating a monopoly?

-Monopoly's just a game, Senator, I'm trying to control the fucking world.

See Jon


Microsoft Service Network, not MicroSoft network like some idiots think. It runs a website, some forums and an instant messenger program

I went on to MSN messenger to talk to my friends.

See Luco


What many people say to define msn messanger so they don't have to say the whole mouthful. They are not purposely trying to get the tearm wrong but just savng time.

A wonderful program that offers many services such as e-mail and messanging for free. It brings friend and family together without the cost of a phone call. Makes it easyier to arrange going out with friends.

Has many haters, mainly people with no life, for example everybody who has posted about msn so far because it narrows their chance of talking to anybody just that bit more because all the people with lifes will be to busy talking to each other. Also there are the other hand of people who can't take a company with power and they are lonely so they decide to hate.

2 people on msn-

1 - should we go out tommorow?

2 - yes i think we should

1 - where do you want to go

and etc etc

people mad-mouthing it-

"msn is the worst because it's owner wants to rules the world so it must be rubish. It also let's all the people with lifes talk to each other more so i will never get to talk to them now."

i would like to say yes maybe he does want to take over the world, and i say good for him , he's ambitous.

maybe the people on here should try something more than bad-mouthing.

See bill gates, msn, messanger, haters, no life


Best (and most popular) chat program known to man.

Me: "MSN > AIM"

Everybody: "Hell yeah!"

See msn, aim, chat, program, internet, interwebz, lol, wtf


Instant messaging program. Can be used for good or evil.

MSN Messenger actual conversations. (I'm Doug, FYI)


Doug: Hey man

Travis: Yo

Travis: Whatcha doin'?

Doug: Just blastin' some Metallica. You?

Travis: Not much.. playing Guitar Hero, drinkin' coke, the usual.

Doug: Sweet.


xXxemochick4evaxXx: omg hai

Doug: Hi. (Really thinking: Oh snap.)

xXxemochick4evaxXx: wadya doin

Doug: Just chillin'.

xXxemochick4evaxXx: arent u wite?

Doug: ...Yeah?

xXxemochick4evaxXx: then u cant say chillin

Doug: OK whatever.

See what I mean?

See messenger, hotmail, good, evil, whatever


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