
What is Msning?


LOL a verb used for ppl talking on msn

he's fucking his girlfriend while msning


Msning is linked to msn messenger.

If someone asks you what you are doing and you are talking to a friendon msn messenger then you are msning

See Natalie


to engage in conversation via msn.

soto loves msning with kylie


kylie loves msning with soto


See soto, kylie, msn, msning, idk


ONline on msn and chatting with other peoples.

-- Bussy talkign to peoples.

-- Just acting cool buy staying on msn.

Retard (hmwrk)says: Hey jen

Jen- last night was great says: Fuck off im MSNing right now

Retard (buying a gun): ok fine..

See msn, chat, im, retard, gun, Jet


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